Sunday 29 July 2012

Comics, French side

For 4 years now, I have regularly updated a blog, in French, on various cultural facts and events, mostly related to comics. It is available here: Quite often, I wished I had more discussion with English-speaking people about some of my posts, either when I was talking about American artists (Chris Ware, los Bothers Hernandez and so on) or when I gave my opinion on how French comics were perceived in the United States.

That's why I decided to give an English version of my blog, with the translation of some my posts or some original posts. I hope that it will create fruitful discussions about comics, across the Atlantic Ocean...


  1. Nice to see an English version. Now I can link to your posts for my English acquaintances and not feel guilty that most of them won't be able to read them.

  2. Thanks for the link.
    And I hope that your English acquaintances will be interested...
